Next Meeting - April 24, 6:30 at the Red Barn
Next Meeting - April 24, 6:30 at the Red Barn
The Chamber of Commerce is an advocate for businesses in the area. We help increase visibility (like the Cremona Show and Shine) and act as forum for businesses to discuss issues that affect them.
We are a member of the Alberta Chambers of Commerce - here is their website:
Look under the "Community Chambers" / "Brochures" tab to see the AB CofC Handbook that outlines how a local Chamber should operate.
Board of Directors
President - Clarke Erwin
Vice-President - Sam Doherty
Secretary - Dawn Lashmar
Treasurer -Debora Rice-Salomons
Directors -TBD
Contact Information
Call Clarke Erwin 403-875-4473 or Sam Doherty at 780-206-7327
Cremona/Water Valley and District Chamber of Commerce
PO Box 356
Cremona, AB T0M 0R0
Facebook: Cremona, Water Valley and District Chamber of Commerce (or click the icon below)
Why Join the Chamber?
The Chamber's mission is to be an advocate for business. The Chamber will increase business exposure through signage and this web site. The Chamber is a forum where various business owners can meet to understand local issues and come up with solutions. The Chamber can act as a conduit to land owners or government agencies to help resolve issues. The Chamber runs events such as the Cremona Show and Shine that increases exposure to the village and its businesses.
As a Chamber member there are also a number of Value Added Benefits such as fuel, insurance and shipping discounts - take a look here.
The Chamber has a hiway sign in Water Valley available for Chamber members advertising and also park benches in Cremona.
The Chamber is also a community group that often gets involved in and provides financial support to various community activities managed by other organizations. It is a good place to give back to the community.
How Do I Join?
Contact the Chamber either by phone or e-mail. Annual dues are $50, with a full rebate if 6 or more meetings are attended per year. Just fill out a form and you're in. Come to the meetings and you will meet some influential people and appreciate what can be accomplished.
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